CS2303 Theory of Computation Important questions
1. DFA
2. NFA
3. NFA with E
4. Proving Language not to be a Regular Language
5. Closure Property of Regular Language
6. Proving Language not to be a CFL
7. Closure Property of CFL
8. POP
9. Chomsky Normal Form(CNF)
10.Greibach Normal Form
11.Mathematical Induction Problem
12.Parsetree, Leftmost derivation, Right Most Derivation (removing Ambiguity)
13.Design PDA
14.State elimination Technique
15.Equivalence & Minimization automata table filling algorithm
16.Program Techniques of Turing Machine
17.Relation Between recursive inference, Derivation and parse tree
18.Pumpping Lemma in CFL
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon