EC6201 Electronic Devices Important Questions and 2M - 16M Question Bank Regulation 2013

EC6201 Electronic Devices Important Questions and Question Bank Regulation 2013

UNIT 1 : 

1.Explain the drift and diffusion currents for PN diode. (8)
2.derive the quantitative theory of PN diode currents. (16)
3.Give diode current equation (6)
4.Explain the operation of PN junction under forward bias condition with its characteristics. (10)
5.Explain the operation of PN junction under reverse bias condition with its characteristics. (10)
6.Explain details about the switching characteristics on PN diode with neat Sketch. (12)

UNIT 2 : 

1.Explain the operation of NPN and PNP transistors (8)
2.Explain the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CB configuration. (10)
3.Draw the circuit diagram of a NPN transistor CE configuration and the input and output
characteristics. Also define its operating regions. (12)
4. Explain the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CC configuration. (10)
5.Give the comparison of CE,CB,CC configuration. (6)
6.Give the relationship between α, β and γ of a transistor (6)
7.Explain briefly about the Gummel Poon model (10)
8. How multi emitter transistor is working? Explain it with neat diagram. (12)
9.Explain details about the Ebers Moll model. (8)

UNIT 3 : 

1.Explain the operation of JFET and derive the drain and transfer characteristics. (16)
2.With neat diagram explain the operation of MOSFET in Depletion mode and derive its current
3With neat diagram explain the operation of MOSFET in Enhancement mode and derive its
current equations(16)
4.Give some characteristics of MOSFET. (8)
5.Explain the operation of dual gate MOSFET (8)

UNIT 4 : 

1.Explain about the ohmic contact of metal semiconductor junction (8)
2.Explain the operation of zener diode and how it is used as a voltage regulator. (12)
3.Explain the operation of tunnel diode and draw its equivalent circuit. (12)
4.With neat diagram give the working principle of LASER diode (8)
5.Explain the operation of varactor diode (8)
6.With neat diagram explain about varactor diode. (8)

UNIT 5 : 

1.Explain the construction , operation, V-I characteristics and application of SCR and explain its
two transistor model. (16)
2. Explain the construction , operation, equivalent circuit V-I characteristics and application of
UJT (16)
3. Explain the construction , operation, equivalent circuit V-I characteristics and application of
TRIAC (16)

EC6201 Electronic Devices 2M & 16M QUESTION BANK

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