Regarding Examinations on December 15th.

UPDATE @ 7:30pm :

As per the direction of Honourable Court, the Examinations for Anna University affiliated colleges other than the colleges situated in four flood affected districts, Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram and Cuddalore will be conducted as per the schedule given by COE from 15.12.2015 onwards. For the students and 148 colleges of flood affected district, all the semester exams are postponed. Separate examinations will be conducted for these students of four flood affected districts from 28.12.2015 onwards. Revised timetable will be announced in Anna University website

Update @5:00pm

Tomorrow exams (15/12/15) will be conducted as per the schedule.

For 1st semester's : Engg. Chemistry 1 will be there but If you belong to the flood affected districts ( Chennai , Tiruvallur , Kanchipuram and Cuddalore ) then you have chance to take up exams in April 2016 (Contact your college regarding your willingness) that too only for R2013 first semester.

All other semester exams of 3rd 5th and 7th semester (R2008 R2013) starts Tomorrow as per original schedule, No changes in that.

For Clear Examination Time Table please log in to Students COE Portal Here.

Link (Newly Updated)


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