EC6401 Electronic Circuits II Important Questions

EC6401 Electronic Circuits II Important Questions

Unit 1
 Feedback Structure
 Feedback amplifiers
 Series
 Shunt, Series
 Determining the Loop Gain
 Stability Problem
 Nyquist Plot
 Frequency Compensation

Unit 2
 Barkhausen Criterion
 General form of an Oscillator
 Hartley, Colpitts, Armstrong Tuned collector oscillators
 RC oscillators
 phase shift
 Wienbridge
 Frequency range of RC and LC Oscillators
 Quartz Crystal Construction
 Miller and Pierce Crystal oscillators

Unit 3
 Unloaded and loaded Q of tank circuits
 small signal tuned amplifiers
 double tuned amplifier
 large signal tuned amplifiers
 Class C tuned amplifier
 Efficiency and applications of Class C tuned amplifier
 Neutralization
 Hazeltine neutralization method

Unit 4
 RC & RL Integrator and Differentiator circuits
 Speed-up Capaitor
 Diode clippers and Comparator
 Monostable and Bistable multivibrator
 Triggering methods for Bigtable multivibrators
 Schmitt trigger circuit

Unit 5
 UJT saw tooth waveform generator
 Pulse transformers
 Blocking Oscillator
 Astable Blocking Oscillators with base timing
 Triggered blocking oscillator
 Monostable blocking oscillator with base and emitter timing
 Time base circuits
 Voltage-Time and Current-Time base circuit
 Linearization through adjustment of driving waveform

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