CS2301 Software Engineering Important Questions

CS2301 Software Engineering Important Questions

1. Explain COCOMO Model?
. 2. Explain in detail the various steps applied to develop complete and accurate
m3o. d Eelxsp ulasiinng t hsetr luicnteuarre sdo afntwalayrsei slife cycle model with neat diagram
4. Explain in detail about system engineering hierarchy in detail with neat diagram
5. Explain with example diagram the functional and behavioral modeling. How do we
model the software’s reaction to some external event?
6. Explain the following: (i) waterfall model (ii) Spiral model (iii) RAD model (iv)
Prototyping model
7. What is prototyping? Explain how the prototyping is used for requirements
validation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of prototyping?
8. Explain the integration testing. What are the steps for top-down integration and
bottom-up integration? Compare and contrast top-down and bottom-up integration
9. Explain the core activities involved in user interface design process with
necessary block diagram
10. What are the different classification of architectural styles with respect to
software and discuss each style in detail
11. Elaborate on Business Process Engineering and Product Engineering
12. Explain the design steps of Transform mapping and transaction mapping?(
13. Explain about System testing and boundary value analysis testing ?
14. What are the characteristics of good design? Describe different types of coupling
and cohesion. How design evaluation is performed?
15. Describe the testing objectives and principles?
16. What is the necessity of unit testing? Write down all unit test considerations?
17. Explain the CASE repository function in detail?
18. Explain the requirement engineering tasks in detail with neat diagram?
19. What is the need for software maintenance and maintenance report?
20. Explain the various methods encountered in cost estimation?

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