Internal updated periodically reason



Anna University released a Notification Last year regarding Internal Assessment Exams to be followed by all its affiliated Colleges. University Planned to have a scheduled test for all its affiliated colleges and those test marks will be consolidated and Internal marks will be given to students (out of 20) for all theory papers.So as per schedule all its affiliated Colleges should conduct 3 Unit Test/Cycle Test / Periodical Test.

Upto Last Semester, Students can know their Internal Marks (Out of 20) after all the 3 Assessment Test Gets Over. i.e Assessment Marks for all 3 Unit Test conducted by Colleges will be feeded separately as shown below in image and also attendance details for each subjects will also be entered

From this semester , University has planned to Update the marks ( Out of 20) as and when unit test marks are entered periodically. i.e. if the unit test 1 and unit test 2 gets over, students can check their internal marks with respect to the conducted test. (Out of 20) and after the unit test 3 get over final internal marks will be generated in the portal (Out of 20).

This has been introduced so that Students can know their internal marks ( Out of 20) and try to improve if he/she has low internal marks.

For instance , If he /she has 12 or 13 marks at the end of periodicals Test 2, he/she should try to get more marks in Periodical Test 3 so that her internal marks will get boosted. So students should take this Internal Exam Seriously and try their best to get 20 out 20 or atleast 18+ in their internals


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